Understanding the low-carbon economy at once: deciphering the past and present of the low-carbon concept

In today's era of climate change, "carbon" is no longer a simple chemical element, but a globalcircular economy Sustainable developmentkeywords. Whether it is an enterprise, government or individual, we must face up toReduce carbon emissionssubject. This article will give you an in-depth analysis oflow carbon economyvarious core concepts.

carbon pricingIt is a kind of economic means to reducegreenhouse gas emissionsstrategy. To put it simply, it means givingCarbon emissions"Add a price tag" and letCarbon emissionsCosts are more concrete and tangible.

carbon pricingThe main mechanism:

  • carbon tax(Carbon Tax):Directly per unit (per ton CO₂)Carbon emissionstax.
  • carbon fee(Carbon Fee):More flexible, often targeted at specific industries or activities, and earmarked forCarbon reduction.
  • carbon trading(Emissions Trading):set upCarbon emissionsCaps that allow businesses to buy and sellCarbon emissionsquota (i.e.carbon rights).

carbon taxIt's the governmentgreenhouse gas emissionsTaxes levied directly. The purpose is to improveCarbon emissionscosts, incentives for businesses and individualsReduce carbon emissions.

Implementation case:

  • Nordic countries such as Sweden started implementing it as early as 1991carbon tax:at presentcarbon taxTax rates exceeding €140 per ton are considered validReduce carbon emissionsmodel.

carbon feeandcarbon taxSimilar, the difference lies in the different competent authorities, socarbon priceThere are also differences in the elasticity of spending.

carbon fee"You can earmark funds forReduce carbon emissions, for example for developingCarbon reductionTechnology may establish a climate fund, "carbon tax” Then it is mixed into the national fiscal revenue and can be used for social welfare or infrastructure construction.

Implementation case:

2024/10 /7 Taiwan Ministry of Environmentcarbon feePricing: The general rate is NT$300 per ton of carbon, which will be gradually increased in stages in the future.

carbon taxVScarbon fee The difference is clear

categorycarbon feecarbon tax
Competent authoritySpecial funds earmarked by the Environmental Protection AgencyMinistry of Finance unified revenue and expenditure
useOnly for climate change reduction and adaptationGreen fiscal and tax reform, such as tax cuts,carbon taxTax returns to all people, reserve carbon bond fund
Carbon reduction effectcarbon priceLow, little effectcarbon priceHigh, great effect
Impact on the publicOil, electricity and consumer spending increasedthroughcarbon taxReturns can increase net income
impact on social economyStill maintaining a highly polluting brown economytransition togreen economy, become more internationally competitive, while improving income distribution and promoting social equity.

carbon rightsrepresents a certain amountgreenhouse gas emissionsQuotas can be bought and sold between businesses.

Businesses can:

greenhouse gas emissions More: Purchase additionalcarbon rights

greenhouse gas emissions less: will remaincarbon rightssell to other companies

Strict carbon controls may cause companies to move production to areas with looser carbon controls, causing overall globalCarbon emissionshas not been substantially reduced.

Specific explanation:

If only a small number of countries and regions implementcarbon pricing, will lead to highCarbon emissionsindustries have moved to developing areas with looser carbon controls. This may be done in a carbon control zoneCarbon emissionsReduced, but overall globalCarbon emissionsHowever, it has not declined. It has even declined because the technology in developing areas is relatively backward.Carbon emissionsInstead of decreasing, this process is called "carbon leakage”.

Implementation case:

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism CBAM EUIt will be officially implemented in 2026 to prevent blockagecarbon leakage

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) proposes a global carbon floor price mechanism, establishing carbon floor prices of US$25, US$50 and US$75 per ton for low-income, middle-income and high-income economies respectively.

carbon neutralRefers to the performance of an enterprise or country within a certain period of timeCarbon emissionsBalanced with carbon absorption. The ultimate goal is to make the wholeCarbon emissionsachieved if it is zeronet zero emissions target.

Implementation methods include:

  • reduce directCarbon emissions
  • investrenewable energy
  • Buycarbon rights
  • Support carbon sequestration projects (such as afforestation)

Implementation case:

The Paris Agreement in 2060 Globalcarbon neutralpromise.

carbon offsetis a kind of investmentgreen projectto balance or offset oneselfCarbon emissionsmechanism.

Businesses or individuals can receive funding throughReduce carbon emissionsor carbon sequestration projects to offset what they cannot completely eliminateCarbon emissions.

carbon offsetMain types of:

  1. Renewable energy projects:Invest in clean energy such as solar and wind energy
  2. Afforestation and reforestation:Planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide
  3. Methane Capture Plan:Reduce methane emissions from landfills and more
  4. Energy efficiency improvements:Technology and infrastructure to support more efficient energy use
conceptdefinitionmain purposeImplementation subject
carbon pricingrightCarbon emissionsSet economic valuereducegreenhouse gas emissionsGovernment, international organizations
carbon taxdirectly toCarbon emissionsrelease taxesimproveCarbon emissionscostgovernment
carbon feeSet for specific industriesCarbon emissionsPay the feecontrol specific areasCarbon emissionsputGovernment, regulatory agencies
carbon rightstradableCarbon emissionsput quotaFlexible managementCarbon emissionsputenterprise,carbon tradingmarket
carbon leakageavoidcarbon controlphenomenonidentifyCarbon reductionloopholesInternational organizations and research institutions
carbon neutralCarbon emissionsbalance of release and absorptionaccomplishnet zero emissionsEnterprise, country
carbon offsetOffset by investing in green projectsCarbon emissionsputmake up for what cannot be directly reducedCarbon emissionsputEnterprises, individuals, international organizations


understand theselow carbon economyConcept is not only an issue for enterprises, but also a common responsibility of all mankind. Through correct understanding and positive actions, we can jointly build a betterSustainable Earth Ecosystem.


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report

World Bank Carbon Pricing Report

Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency Carbon Management Information

International Energy Agency (IEA) Carbon Emissions Report


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