CRAM attended the ESG Sustainable Taiwan International Summit

Thanks to this week's special invitation, CEO Victor led the CRAM team to attend the 2023 ESG Sustainability Taiwan International Summit Autumn Session | Digital Driven Forward-looking international observation and climate development analysis, CRAM, as a practitioner of ESG and circular economy, is honored to participate in this critical moment.

Actions together constitute digital-driven sustainable transformation

In the morning session, Intel's Chief of Product Sustainability Jen Huffstetler kicked off the session with [Promoting Smart Sustainability in the AI Computing Era]. She talked about how enterprises develop AI, which is actually a very energy-consuming behavior. How to effectively calculate and implement energy-saving strategies is what enterprises need to face. Challenge, Jen also shared practical experience on how Intel leads the manufacturing industry to use renewable energy and improves energy efficiency through product innovation to reduce carbon emissions in the global information industry.

Next, Director Chen from Zicheng Innovation shared the carbon management of enterprises. How to manage the "carbon ledger" has become a new challenge for enterprises, and how digital transformation can help the calculation of carbon emissions. As well as "Using Digital Transformation to Meet Net-Zero Carbon Emissions" presented by Director Lin of the Digital Transformation Institute of the Institute of Digital Transformation, the Institute's innovative experiments in household energy saving are impressive and are a true example of "changing the world from household electricity use". Practitioner, Dean Lin also shared suggestions that managers can implement "agile management" into carbon reduction strategies. Her international perspective and sense of humor also won applause from the audience.

Then Chai Lee, general manager of Uber Eats Taiwan, brought everyone [Practice a Sustainable Journey – Shared Experience between Uber and Uber Eats], sharing the success of carbon reduction Uber in Taiwan and consumer response, and Uber will invest more We are committed to practicing sustainable packaging and also bringing easier digital carbon footprint calculations to business journeys.

Actions are both good. Business supports arts and culture

In this unit, Dean Lu of the Institute of Cultural Studies and Chairman Zheng of the Taishin Bank Culture and Arts Foundation shared wonderful cases of how companies combine art and ESG, and mentioned the multiplier effect of art in sustainability. The Institute of Cultural Studies, as a company and cultural creation Translators, how to co-create sustainable creativity, echoing what Chairman Zheng of Taishin mentioned about systematizing sustainable practices and bringing local culture to the world.

Three actions were taken together. Zero carbon revolution

The finale was "Net Zero and Sustainable Business Opportunities" brought by General Manager of Xincheng Industry, Chen Yongrui, and "Lvteng's product-centered sustainability experiments" shared by Zheng Hanrui, founder of Luteng. Xincheng Industrial shared their experience in green The vision of the supply chain starts from process improvement, then creates a circular economy platform, invests in green design, and finally brings the success of the green supply chain in the world. This is a very ambitious vision that is being implemented in Taiwan as a whole.

As a brand that believes that "business power can bring positive changes to the world", Green Vine constantly challenges the possibility of more sustainable formulas in its products, joins hands with the industry to practice circular economy, and promises to achieve credible net zero by 2025. It is the only B-type enterprise in Asia that has won the "Best for the World" environmental-oriented award for five consecutive years.


2023 ESG Sustainability Taiwan International Summit Autumn Session|Digital Driven Create more win-win situations for the environment and enterprises, help enterprises safely introduce carbon-reducing materials, and be able to circulate within the organization, reduce waste, and reuse resources. Everyone can be a net-zero revolutionary.

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