Meet Taipei Thank you for working together to create a wonderful exhibition!

The "2023 Meet Taipei Innovation and Entrepreneurship Carnival" ended successfully from 11/30 – 12/02! More than a hundred startup teams and companies participated in the event! It is also the first time that the CRAM team and mascot "Tanji" have appeared in public. This exhibition provides us with an excellent opportunity to not only introduce the services and low-carbon materials provided by CRAM to the public more broadly, but also to learn from other start-up teams.

Under the current global climate change and the implementation of CBAM EU carbon tariffs, the issue of low-carbon solutions has received great attention. In just three days of the exhibition, many professionals and potential customers in related fields had in-depth exchanges with us. They were very interested in the one-stop green integration services we provide for PCR low-carbon plastics, PCR low-carbon aluminum materials and professional supply chain series. interested. Gain valuable experience and insights through on-site interactive exchanges, and gain a better understanding of market needs and customer expectations. It drives us to work harder to be at the forefront of low-carbon recycling services and make more contributions to sustainable development.

This is our first time to participate in the exhibition. With the spirit of learning, we strive to learn the valuable experience this time to make our preparations more perfect next time. We also hope that everyone who comes to the CRAM booth will have a better experience in the future.

Finally, I would like to thank all the staff of the Small, Medium and New Enterprises Agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Meet Taipei for co-creating an international platform for new entrepreneurial teams and providing many opportunities for exposure and industry matching. I would also like to thank other participating teams and visiting friends. It provides opportunities for learning and exchange. We are really lucky to participate in Meet Taipei. This experience has been very rewarding for us. We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition next time!

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