Why using PCR is more environmentally friendly

What is PCR

PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled materials) refers to recycled materials made from products or materials used by consumers. These materials can come from plastic bottles, paper, glass, metal and other recyclable materials that are recycled after consumer use and are recycled and reused after the product's life cycle.

What is PIR

PIR (Post-Industrial Recycled materials) refers to reused materials from waste in manufacturing or industrial processes. These materials do not come from products used by the end consumer, but from waste, by-products or excess materials from industrial manufacturing processes. For example, leftover materials produced in the production of plastic products, waste paper in the production of paper, waste materials in the metal processing process, etc.

Unlike post-consumer recycled materials (PCR), post-industrial recycled materials are mainly derived from waste from the production process and therefore may be more stable and controllable in quality and composition because they have not undergone the changes and possible changes in consumer use stages. pollute.

Why using PCR is more environmentally friendly than PIR

  1. Reduce resource consumption and waste volume:
    PCR comes from products that are used by consumers and may become waste. By recycling these materials, it reduces the amount of waste in landfills and incineration plants and reduces the demand on natural resources.

  2. Reduce energy consumption:
    Making new products often requires more energy. PCR's reuse process involves recycling and processing materials that have already been produced and used by consumers, which typically requires less energy than re-extracting materials from industrial waste.

  3. Eliminate waste in production:
    PIR originates from waste and by-products of industrial manufacturing processes. Although these materials can be recycled and reused, generating waste during the production process is itself a waste, and PCR directly uses materials that consumers have already used, which more directly reduces waste in this production process.

  4. Improving the recycling value chain:
    The recycling process for PCR often requires wider recycling networks and systems, which helps drive more waste recycling. At the same time, this also provides consumers with a greater sense of participation and recognition of environmental protection actions.

Taken together, while post-industrial recycled materials (PIR) are also resource-friendly and environmentally friendly, using post-consumer recycled materials (PCR) can more directly reduce the amount of post-consumer waste and promote a wider range of Waste recycling.

CRAM materials are all 100% PCR

CRAM's green recycling materials and low-carbon products use recycled sources, all of which are products/materials that have ended the product life cycle after consumers have used them, that is, PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled materials).

Common sources of PCR plastic include home appliances (washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, etc.) and electronic casings (computers, monitor screens, etc.), while common sources of PCR aluminum alloys include recycled aluminum doors and windows, aluminum cans, and aluminum handles , bicycle aluminum, etc. Different sources require different sorting and purification processes, and different sorting methods (manual sorting/equipment sorting) are also used depending on the items.

CRAM has been focusing on the circular economy for more than 30 years with its professional spirit. We carefully control the quality of PCR materials for our customers and create a win-win situation for the environment and customers.

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